Blumenkette/flower chain

Die Anleitung für die Blumenkette stammt von der Zeitschrift Brigitte. Ich habe einige davon gehäkelt und nutze sie als Tischdeko oder zu verschönern von Boxen etc. 

I found the pattern for this flower chain in a German magazine called Brigitte. I crocheted several of them and use them for table decoration or to decorate boxes.

Because it's in German here the translated pattern:

Chain (in green)
join 6 chain stitches with a slip stitch in to a circle, 12 single crochet around this circle (for the first flower), 18 chain stitches, 1 slip stitch in the first chain from the hook, 1 double crochet, 2 treble crochet, 1 double crochet, 1 slip stitch (this is the first leaf), 16 chain stitches, the last 6 form the centre of the next flower, join them with a slip stitch in the 10th chain to a circle. 12 single crochet around the circle. Repeat this steps until the desired length is reached.

Flower (in flower colour)
Start with a slip stich in one of the single crochets of the circle. *3 chain stitches, skip 1 stitch, 1 slip stich*, * - * repeat around (6 chains)
Into the chains: 1 single crochet, 1 chain stitch, 3 double crochet, 1 chain stitch, 1 single crochet. 


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